Prue Stevenson, smiling with curly hair, spoon earrings, a knitted scarf and jumper.
Prue is a proud autistic person. An artist exploring autistic pleasures, necessities & culture, she uses repetitive & tactile processes to allow for experiences of sensory play, creating spaces & opportunities for downtime.
Working in multimedium & performance, Prue advocates for the identity, empowerment & sensory awareness of the autistic community, intersecting & colliding against preconditioned stigmas & resultant systematic oppression, aiming to celebrate & progress autistic culture for autistics, while creating experiences more broadly accessible.
Prue has exhibited at the MCA and has a BA(Fine Art) & MFA(by Practice) from RMIT. An autistic consultant with Amaze, she is a Rawcus Theatre ensemble member, singer in “Ice Cream in a Mug” & founder of the “Stim Your Heart Out” project.
Prue features in the “Perspective Shift” SBS OnDemand TV Series, with an audio described version available at:
Prue's skills and achievements include
- “Perspective Shift” SBS OnDemand TV series
- “Do Your Thing” WWDV YouTube video series
- “Adaptation” Exhibition – Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, Sydney